The software package is currently being dramatically improved and updated.
This is a (very) old version, potentially with bugs.
Shapelets web page | Shapelets IDL code | Installation | Help pages | Simulated images |
The first few lines of each .pro file contain a header with a description of the routine and general instructions for its use. These can be accessed from within IDL by typing "doc_library,"routine name"". I am also writing more extensive on-line documentation for many of the routines, although this task is currently proceeding slowly. If the information you want is not available, please ask me at . The help files will grow mainly through answers to such questions.
simages: | --- Image simulation with shapelets. |
simages/shapelets_read_shapecat_hdf | --- Reads in a shapelet catalogue containing all of the objects from both Hubble Deep Fields. |
simages/simage_add_noise | --- Adds a model of background and observational noise to a simulated image. |
simages/simage_assemble_image | --- Takes objects from a new shapelet catalogue and scatters them about an image, without noise. |
simages/simage_generate_shapecat | --- Repeatedly calls to generate a shapelet catalogue for a simulated image. |
simages/simage_make_analytic_object | --- Given a desired ellipticity, magnitude and radial profile, generates a pixellated image of one simulated galaxy. |
simages/simage_make_shapelet_object | --- Given a set of shapelet coefficients, generates a pixellated image of one simulated galaxy. |
simages/simage_resample_pdf | --- Resamples a true population of galaxy shapes to generate a new object for a simulated image. |
simages/simage_tests | --- Performs some basic statistical tests of a simulated image. |
decomp: | --- Transform images into shapelet space and back. |
decomp/focus: | --- Automated n_max-beta finder, optimising chi^2 for a decomposition as in "Polar Shapelets". |
decomp/polar: | --- Conversion between Cartesian and polar shapelets. |
alias: | --- Wrapper routines used to maintain backwards compatability with old versions of the code. |
io: | --- Data I/O from disc, and conversion of structure types. |
operations: | --- Image manipulation and transformations in shapelet space. |
pipeline: | --- Object detection and decomposition within an entire astronomical image. |
plotting: | --- Various plotting tools. |
properties: | --- Shape analysis and galaxy morphology indices. |
library: | --- Standard IDL library routines, including some from the IDL Astronomy User's Library. |
Return to the shapelets web page or the code download page.
Last modified on 02nd May 2008 by Richard Massey. |