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Source code for simage_assemble_image.pro:

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;$Id: simage_assemble_image.pro, v1.0$ ; ; Copyright © 2004 Richard Massey and Alexandre Refregier. ; ; This file is a part of the Shapelets analysis code. ; www.ast.cam.ac.uk/~rjm/shapelets/ ; ; The Shapelets code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published ; by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version. ; ; The Shapelets code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; along with the Shapelets code; if not, write to the Free Software ; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ; ; ; ************************************************************************ ; ************************************************************************ ; ; ; NAME: ; SIMAGE_LOCATE_OBJECT ; ; CATEGORY: ; Shapelets image simulation. ; ; PURPOSE: ; This module takes a postage-stamp object (galaxy or star) and where its centre ; should go, then checks that it doesn`t fall off the edge of an image with ; n_pix pixels. If it partly falls off the edge, it is guillotined to fit. ; the coordinates of the postage stamp are returned in the region structure. ; If the object lies entirely off the edge, region is returned as -1. ; ; INPUTS: ; recomp - Postage stamp image of an object. ; recomp_x0 - Position of object centre in postage stamp coordinates. [x,y] ; position - Desired position of object centre in final image. [x,y] ; image_pix - Number of pixels in final image. [x,y] ; ; OPTIONAL INPUTS: ; none. ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; none. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; recomp - Trimmed as necessary. ; region - A structure containing coordinates of left, right, top and ; bottom corners of where the object should lie in the final ; image. If object lies outside this, all of the values in ; region are flagged to -1. ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Mar 04 - Tidied up by RM. ; Jun 03 - Written by Richard Massey pro simage_locate_object, recomp, recomp_x0, position, image_pix, region COMPILE_OPT idl2 ; Determine initial size of postage stamp postage_pix = size(recomp,/dimensions) ; Where you would hope to locate postage stamp in image if away from edges l=position[0]-recomp_x0[0] r=l+postage_pix[0]-1 b=position[1]-recomp_x0[1] t=b+postage_pix[1]-1 ; Declare region structure region={l:round(l), r:round(r), b:round(b), t:round(t)} ; Check to see if object overlaps with any edges if region.l lt 0 then begin ; Overlaps left of image if region.r le 0 then goto,outside ; Falls off left of image recomp=recomp[-1*region.l:postage_pix[0]-1,*] ; postage_pix[0]=postage_pix[0]+region.l ; recomp_x0[0]=recomp_x0[0]+region.l ; region.l=0 ; endif ; if region.r gt image_pix[0]-1 then begin ; Overlaps right of image if region.l ge image_pix[0]-1 then goto,outside ; Falls off right of image recomp=recomp[0:postage_pix[0]-region.r+image_pix[0]-2,*] postage_pix[0]=postage_pix[0]-region.r+image_pix[0]-1 region.r=image_pix[0]-1 ; endif ; if region.b lt 0 then begin ; Overlaps bottom of image if region.t le 0 then goto,outside ; Falls off bottom of image recomp=recomp[*,-1*region.b:postage_pix[1]-1] ; postage_pix[1]=postage_pix[1]+region.b ; recomp_x0[1]=recomp_x0[1]+region.b ; region.b=0 ; endif ; if region.t gt image_pix[1]-1 then begin ; Overlaps top of image if region.b ge image_pix[1]-1 then goto,outside ; Falls off top of image recomp=recomp[*,0:postage_pix[1]-region.t+image_pix[1]-2] postage_pix[1]=postage_pix[1]-region.t+image_pix[1]-1 region.t=image_pix[1]-1 ; endif ; return outside: region={l:-1,r:-1,t:-1,b:-1} return end ; ************************************************************************ ; ************************************************************************ ; ; ; NAME: ; SIMAGE_STAR_MAGNITUDE_DISTRIBUTION ; ; CATEGORY: ; Shapelets image simulation. ; ; PURPOSE: ; Generates a random flux value for a star, drawn from the stellar ; luminosity function in Allen's astrophysical quantities (extrapolated ; to the necessary depth). ; ; INPUTS: ; none. ; ; OPTIONAL INPUTS: ; seed - Random number seed. ; slf - Stellar luminosity function. Caluclated the first time this ; routine is called, then simply referenced on subsequent occasions ; for speed. ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; none. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; mag - Magnitude of randomly sampled star. ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Jul 03 - Written by Richard Massey function simage_star_magnitude_distribution,seed=seed,slf=slf if not keyword_set(slf) then begin ; Data from Allen is log(stars per mag per sq.degree) at b=90 imag=[12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25] slf=[1.374,1.728,2.045,2.326,2.575,2.799,3.005,3.191,3.353,3.488,3.604,3.706,3.797,3.875] ; Extrapolate for i=1,5 do begin imag=[imag,imag[13]+i] slf=[slf,slf[13]+0.06*i] endfor ; Convert to real numbers slf=10^slf ; Convert to cumulative PDF for i=1,n_elements(slf)-1 do begin slf[i]=slf[i]+slf[i-1] endfor ; Renormalise PDF (and destroy stellar density information) message,strtrim(slf[n_elements(slf)-1],2)+" stars expected per square degree at galactic poles",/info slf=slf/slf[n_elements(slf)-1] slf=[0.,slf] imag=[11,imag] ; Store as a convenient structure slf={slf:slf,imag:imag} endif ; Select a random integer magnitude from this PDF mag=min(slf.imag[where(randomu(seed) le slf.slf)]) ; Now interpolate PDF as being flat within each integer mag=float(mag)+randomu(seed)-0.5 ; Return return,mag end ; ************************************************************************ ; ************************************************************************ ; ;+ ; NAME: ; SIM_ASSEMBLE ; ; CATEGORY: ; Shapelets image simulation. ; ; PURPOSE: ; Collects newly synthesised objects from sim_create.pro, rotates them ; by a random amount, and scatters them into pixels to make a simulated ; image. Background levels and noise are then be added using ; simage_add_noise.pro. ; ; This routine can also create a simulated image containing objects with ; analytic (e.g. de Vaucouleurs) profiles with the same size, magnitude ; and ellipticity distributions as a shapelet catalogue (e.g. for the HDF). ; The shapelet coefficients are not used for any purpose other than the ; determination of these distributions (which may also be entered by hand). ; The point is to use a non-shapelet method to create simulations, which ; can themselves be then used to test shapelet-based shape-measurement ; techniques. ; ; INPUTS: ; cat - Synthesised catalogue of shapelet objects, eg created by new_hdf ; file - Filename for output w/o extension, eg "newimage" ; ; OPTIONAL INPUTS: ; [seed] - Seed for random number generator. ; [noise] - Exposure time to pass to simage_add_noise.pro ; [gamma] - Weak lensing shear on all galaxies [gamma_1,gamma_2]. ; [psf] - Cartesian decomp structure representing PSF. Will then do ; convolvution automatically. Stars are just this PSF. ; [inst] - Post-smear shear due to geometric distortions in telescope. ; [pixsize] - Pixel scale [arcsec]. Default is 0.04". ; [n_pix] - Number of pixels in final image [x,y]. ; [n_gal] - Number of galaxies in final image. ; [n_star] - Number of stars in final image (currently all same magnitude). ; [dither] - Dither offset of exposure [x,y]. (Currently a simple linear shift ; which is the same everywhere and should be a fraction of a pixel). ; [parameter] - Use parameterised models of galaxy shapes rather than shapelet ; coefficients. ; 1: de Vaucouleurs r^(1/4) profiles ; 2: Exponential discs ; 3: Elliptical Gaussian blobs ; [sigmae] - rms galaxy ellipticity (before shear) for use with ; parameterised galaxy shapes. ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; /RPOS - (Re-)randomise positions and PAs of galaxies? 1=YES, 0=NO ; ; OUTPUTS: ; Image, written to disc. ; This image is also (optionally) returned to the variable "image", with ; its FITS header in the variable "header". ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Oct 2003 - Centroid bug fixing by RM. ; Jul 2003 - Input file in SExtractor format added by RM. ; Jun 2003 - Broken into separate modules by RM. ; Apr 2003 - Bugs fixed and analytic profiles forms added by RM. ; Feb 2002 - Written by Richard Massey. ;- pro simage_assemble_image, shapecat, file, seed=seed, gamma_input=gamma_input, psf=psf,$ rpos=rpos, n_pix=n_pix, n_gal=n_gal, n_star=n_star, $ pixsize=pixsize, parameter=parameter, sigmae=sigmae, $ image=image, header=header, noise=noise, dither=dither ; ; ; SET DEFAULTS ; ; if not keyword_set(shapecat)then message,'Requires an input shapelet catalogue!' if not keyword_set(file) then file = 'blah' ; Output file name if not keyword_set(seed) then seed = 101L ; Initialise random seed (if set automatically by IDL, the process is unrepeatable). if not keyword_set(sigmae) then sigmae = 0.3 ; if not keyword_set(pixsize) then pixsize= 0.04 ; [arcsec] if not keyword_set(n_pix) then n_pix = fix([4096,4096]*0.04/pixsize) ; To make roughly HDF size by default if n_elements(n_gal) eq 0 then n_gal = round( 6000. * n_pix[0]/4096. * n_pix[1]/4096. * (pixsize^2)/(0.04^2) ) if n_elements(n_star) eq 0 then n_star = 186 ; Number of stars randomly dispersed in image if not keyword_set(psf) then n_star = 0 ; Can't include stars without knowing the PSF! ;if not keyword_set(rpos) then n_gal=fix(n_gal*9./4.) ; Adjust for larger area visualised around the image for dithers if shapecat.n lt n_gal then begin ; ^-- user input (fudge factor) message,'Warning: not enough objects in catalogue! '+ $ 'Randomising object positions and cycling through catalogue.',/info rpos=1 endif ; ; ; PARSE REMAINING INPUT PARAMETERS AND SET UP LOCAL VARIABLES ; ; ; Read catalogue if not already in memory. if n_elements(shapecat) eq 0 then shapelets_read_shapecat,shapecat,file,/moments ; Ensure input shear is in correct notation. If no shear, unset variable. if keyword_set(gamma_input) then begin if (size(gamma_input))[0] eq 0 then gamma_input=[gamma_input,0.] if gamma_input[0] eq 0 and gamma_input[1] eq 0 then gamma_input=0 endif ; Ensure PSF is in correct format to be useful later on. if keyword_set(psf) then begin message,'Convolving with a PSF to n_max='+strtrim(psf.n_max,2)+'.',/info if keyword_set(parameter) then begin ; Need an image to convolve analytic profiles. shapelets_recomp,psf,psfimage n_gal=fix(n_gal*(1.+float(psf.nf[0])/n_pix[0]*psf.nf[1]/n_pix[1])) endif ; Work out PSF shape properties for pre-noise catalogue (assuming PSF constant everywhere). q=shapelets_quadrupole(psf,flux=flux) rsq=(Q[0,0]+Q[1,1])/flux ell=complex(Q[0,0]-Q[1,1],2*Q[0,1])/(Q[0,0]+Q[1,1]) PA=atan(imaginary(ell),float(ell))/2.+!pi/2 A=sqrt(rsq*(1+abs(ell))/2.) B=sqrt(abs(rsq*(1-abs(ell))/2.)) psfinfo={A:A,B:B,theta:(PA*180/!pi) mod 360-90,rsq:rsq,flux:flux,mag:-2.5*alog10(flux)+22.08} endif ; ; ; PRINT INTENT TO SCREEN AS A RECORD ; ; message,'Placing '+strtrim(n_gal,1)+' galaxies and '+strtrim(n_star,1)+ $ ' stars into a '+strtrim(n_pix(0),1)+'x'+strtrim(n_pix(1),1)+ $ ' grid.',/info message,'Pixel scale is '+strtrim(pixsize,1)+' arcsec/pix.',/info message,'Random seed='+strtrim(string(seed[0]),1)+'.',/info if keyword_set(rpos) or ((shapecat.x(0,0) eq 0.) and (shapecat.x(0,1) eq 0.)) then $ message,'Object positions are randomised.',/info if keyword_set(gamma_input) then message,'Input shear is '+strtrim(gamma_input[0],2)+','+strtrim(gamma_input[1],2)+'.',/info if keyword_set(inst) then message,'Instrumental distortions are applied.',/info ;message,'Writing simulated image to file '+get_path(3,/silent)+file+'.fits',/info ; Begin mock SExtractor catalogue of pre-noise shapes. openw,lun,shapelets_paths(3)+file+'.sex',/get_lun printf,lun,'# Mock SExtractor catalogue of simulated image created before the addition of noise.' printf,lun,'# For more information, see Massey et al. 2003 or email Richard Massey on rjm@ast.cam.ac.uk' printf,lun,'#' printf,lun,'# 1 X_IMAGE Object position along x [pixel]' printf,lun,'# 2 Y_IMAGE Object position along y [pixel]' printf,lun,'# 3 BLANK Spacer column to match SExtractor' printf,lun,'# 4 BLANK Spacer column to match SExtractor' printf,lun,'# 5 XMIN_IMAGE Minimum x-coordinate of postage stamp [pixel]' printf,lun,'# 6 YMIN_IMAGE Minimum y-coordinate of postage stamp [pixel]' printf,lun,'# 7 XMAX_IMAGE Maximum x-coordinate of postage stamp [pixel]' printf,lun,'# 8 YMAX_IMAGE Maximum y-coordinate of postage stamp [pixel]' printf,lun,'# 9 A_IMAGE Profile along major axis { e=(A^2 - B^2) } [pixel]' printf,lun,'# 10 B_IMAGE Profile along minor axis { (A^2 + B^2) } [pixel]' printf,lun,'# 11 THETA_IMAGE Position angle (CCW/x) [deg]' printf,lun,'# 12 CLASS_STAR S/G classifier output' printf,lun,'# 13 SHAPELET_SIZE R=\sqrt{\int_0^\infinity{ f(r) r^2 rdr}} [pixel]' printf,lun,'# 14 MAGNITUDE Zeropoint not normalised [mag]' printf,lun,'# 15 FLUX Not sure of units here' printf,lun,'# 16 BLANK Spacer column to match SExtractor' printf,lun,'# 17 NUMBER Running object number' mocksexformat='(F10.3,1X,F10.3,A23,I10,1X,I10,1X,I10,1X,I10,1X,'+$ 'F9.3,1X,F9.3,1X,F5.1,1X,F5.2,1X,F8.2,1X,F8.4,1X,F12.5,A11,I10)' ; ; ; CREATE IMAGE ARRAY ; ; image=fltarr(n_pix[0],n_pix[1]) ; ; ; POPULATE IMAGE WITH GALAXIES ; ; if keyword_set(rpos) then obj=long(randomu(seed)*shapecat.n) else obj=0 ; Start at beginning of the catalogue .... or a random point in catalogue message,'Placing galaxies into the image...',/info for i=0L,n_gal-1 do begin ; Loop around through catalogue to generate enough objects (can't use obj=0) obj=obj+1L & if obj ge shapecat.n then obj=1L ; Progress report if (i+1) mod 50 eq 0 then print,string(i+1)+'/'+strtrim(n_gal,1) ; ; Retrieve an object from the (resampled) catalogue ; if (keyword_set(parameter) and keyword_set(sigmae)) then begin ; decomp={w:shapecat.w[obj]*0.04/pixsize,$ ; nf:replicate(shapecat.rsquared[obj],2)*10,$ ; x0:transpose(shapecat.x0[obj,*])*0.04/pixsize} ; endif else begin ; decomp=cat_to_decomp(shapecat,obj) ; decomp.beta=decomp.beta*0.04/pixsize ; Rescale to pixel scale ; decomp.n_pixels=decomp.n_pixels*0.04/pixsize ; (integration within what pixels?) ; endelse ; Decide location of new galaxy on the sky. if keyword_set(rpos) then begin ; Choose a random point (or just outside image, to avoid edge effects) position=[randomu(seed),randomu(seed)]*(n_pix+60)-30 endif else begin position=transpose(shapecat.x[obj,*])*0.04/pixsize endelse ; Make dithered exposures if keyword_set(dither) then position=position-dither ; ; Determine location of new galaxy within the postage stamp. ; decomp.x=(position mod 1)+fix(decomp.n_pixels/2.) ; ; For speed, skip object if it is well away from the image area. ; if fix(position[0]+shapecat.rsquared[obj]*10 lt 1) or $ ; fix(position[0]-shapecat.rsquared[obj]*10 gt n_pix[0]) or $ ; fix(position[1]+shapecat.rsquared[obj]*10 lt 1) or $ ; fix(position[1]-shapecat.rsquared[obj]*10 gt n_pix[1]) then continue ; Also skip objects if they have zero or negative flux if shapecat.flux[obj] le 0. then continue ; Manufacture simulated galaxy. if keyword_set(parameter) then begin ; Use an analytic radial profile galtype=([0,1,2,3,fix(2*randomu(seed))+2])[parameter] rsquared=abs(shapecat.rsquared[obj])*0.04/pixsize recomp_x=position mod 1 recomp=simage_make_analytic_object(galtype, rsquared, shapecat.flux[obj], recomp_x, $ psfimage=psfimage, sigmae=sigmae, seed=seed, $ gamma_input=gamma_input, inst_shear=inst_shear,$ shapeinfo=shapeinfo) ; Enforce a constant object size and flux ;recomp=simage_make_analytic_object(decomp,parameter,2*median(shapecat.rsquared),0.1,psf=psf,sigmae=sigmae,gamma_input=gamma_input,inst_shear=inst_shear,seed=seed,shapeinfo=shapeinfo) ; All objects circular ;recomp=simage_make_analytic_object(decomp,parameter,2*median(shapecat.rsquared),0.1,psfimage=psfimage,sigmae=1e-20,gamma_input=gamma_input,inst_shear=inst_shear,seed=seed,shapeinfo=shapeinfo) endif else begin ; Use full shapelet-simulated objects (and a decomp structure is convenient) decomp = shapelets_shapecat2decomp(shapecat,obj) ; Extract shapelet object from catalogue decomp.beta = decomp.beta*0.04/pixsize ; Rescale to pixel scale decomp.n_pixels= round(decomp.n_pixels*0.04/pixsize) ; (integration within what pixels?) recomp = simage_make_shapelet_object(decomp,$ psf=psf,gamma_input=gamma_input,inst_shear=inst_shear,$ seed=seed,rpos=rpos,shapeinfo=shapeinfo) recomp_x = decomp.x endelse ; Error catching: did anything go wrong? if recomp[0] eq -1 then continue ; Locate object within image pixels. simage_locate_object, recomp, recomp_x, position, n_pix, region ; SHIFTED DL 1 PIXEL SINCE PARIS ; Error catching: is object oustide image after all? if region.l eq -1 then continue ; Error catching: objects with zero flux used to be included and made NaN values? junk=where(finite(recomp) eq 0, nnan) if (nnan gt 0) then continue ; Error catching: exclude a few noisy objects erroneously decomposed ; around the (noisy) edge of the Hubble Deep Field. if max(recomp) gt 100 then print,'Holy bright crap, batman!' ; Add object to image. postage_pix=size(recomp,/dimensions) if (postage_pix[0] ne (1+region.r-region.l)) or (postage_pix[1] ne (1+region.t-region.b)) then begin print,'Holy wrong-size trousers, batman!',$ position[0],position[1],region.l,region.b,recomp_x,$ postage_pix[0],postage_pix[1],region.r,region.t endif else begin totalimage=total(image) image[region.l:region.r,region.b:region.t] = $ image[region.l:region.r,region.b:region.t] + recomp ;if total(image) le totalimage then print,'Holy no extra flux, batman!' endelse ; Plot to screen for debugging. ;plt_image,recomp,/col,/fr & read,junk ; Renormalise coordinates to those used by SExtractor (which seems to make ; a mistake in the x direction) position[0]=position[0]+1 ; Write information to (pre-noise) catalogue of objects. printf,lun,format=mocksexformat, $ 0>(position[0]+0.5)<n_pix[0], $ 0>(position[1]+0.5)<n_pix[0], $ ' 0 0 ', $ (region.l+1)>1,(region.b+1)>1, $ (region.r+1)<n_pix[0],(region.t+1)<n_pix[1], $ shapeinfo.A,shapeinfo.B,shapeinfo.theta,0., $ sqrt(shapeinfo.rsq),shapeinfo.mag,shapeinfo.flux,$ ' 0 ',i+1 endfor ; ; ; PUT STARS INTO IMAGE ; ; if n_star gt 0 then message,'Placing stars in the image',/info for i=0L,n_star-1 do begin ; Progress meter if (i+1) mod 20 eq 0 then print,string(i+1)+'/'+strtrim(n_star,1) ; Choose a random location within the image (or just outside, to avoid edge ; effects) position=[randomu(seed),randomu(seed)]*(n_pix+28)-14 ; Ensure position within pixel is random to allow oversampling later psf.x=position-fix(position)+psf.n_pixels/2. ; Decide which of the pixels in the final image this corresponds to mk_recomp, psf, recomp ; Randomly assign a flux (flux=1 would give a magnitude 22.08 star) starmag=simage_star_magnitude_distribution(seed=seed,slf=slf) starflux=10.^(-0.4*(starmag-22.08)) recomp=recomp*starflux ; Locate pixels in final image that will contain the star simage_locate_object, recomp, psf.x, position, n_pix, region ; Error catching: is object oustide image after all? if region.l eq -1 then continue ; Add object to image. if ((size(recomp))[1] eq (1+region.r-region.l) and (size(recomp))[2] eq (1+region.t-region.b)) then begin image[region.l:region.r,region.b:region.t] = $ image[region.l:region.r,region.b:region.t] + recomp endif else continue ; Renormalise coordinates to those used by SExtractor (which seems to make ; a mistake in the x direction) position[0]=position[0]+1 ; Write information to (pre-noise) catalogue of objects. ; (add 1 to positions to mimic SExtractor's index, which starts at 1 not 0) printf,lun,format=mocksexformat,$ position[0]+0.5,position[1]+0.5,$ ' 0 0 ',$ region.l+1,region.b+1,region.r+1,region.t+1,$ psfinfo.A,psfinfo.B,psfinfo.theta,1.,$ psfinfo.rsq,starmag,starflux,$ ' 0 ',n_gal+i+1 endfor ; Close catalogue file for input parameters. close,lun free_lun,lun ; ; ; OUTPUT FINAL IMAGE ; ; ;Construct fits image header mkhdr, header, image header=header[0:4] header=[header,"OBJECT = 'Shimulation-R.Massey'"] header=[header,"CREATOR = 'Shapelets image simulation http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/~rjm/shapelets/'"] header=[header,"AUTHOR = 'Richard Massey rjm@ast.cam.ac.uk'"] header=[header,"REFERENC= 'MNRAS submitted, preprint astro-ph/0301449'"] header=[header,"BUNIT = 'photons/second' /"] header=[header,"CTYPE1 = 'RA' /"] header=[header,"CRPIX1 = 0. / Reference point is bottom left hand corner"] if keyword_set(dither) then begin header=[header,"CRVAL1 = "+string(float(dither[0])/60./60.)+" / deg Dither position away from default"] endif else begin header=[header,"CRVAL1 = 0. / deg (at default dither position)"] endelse header=[header,"CDELT1 = "+string(float(pixsize)/60./60.)+" / deg"] header=[header,"CTYPE2 = 'Dec' /"] header=[header,"CRPIX1 = 0. /"] if keyword_set(dither) then begin header=[header,"CRVAL1 = "+string(float(dither[1])/60./60.)+" / deg"] endif else begin header=[header,"CRVAL2 = 0. / deg"] endelse header=[header,"CDELT2 = "+string(float(pixsize)/60./60.)+" / deg"] header=[header,"DATAMAX = "+string(float(max(image)))+" /"] header=[header,"DATAMIN = "+string(float(min(image)))+" /"] header=[header,"PIXSIZE = "+string(float(pixsize))+" / arcsec"] header=[header,"EXPTIME = 'Noise-free image' /"] header=[header,"PHOTOZP = 22.08 /"] if keyword_set(psf) then begin psfname=psf.name+"'" while (strlen(psfname) lt 20) do psfname=psfname+" " header=[header,"PSF = '"+psfname+"/ Plus initial WFPC2 PSF!"] endif else begin header=[header,"PSF = 'NONE' / Only original WFPC2 PSF, circularised"] endelse header=[header,"NSTAR = "+string(fix(n_star),format=(I10))+" / Approximate number of stars"] header=[header,"NGAL = "+string(fix(n_gal),format=(I10))+" / Approximate number of galaxies"] if keyword_set(parameter) then begin objtype=(["'de Vaucouleurs prof'",$ "'Exponential profile'",$ "'Gaussian profile' ",$ "'Mixed analytic' "])[parameter-1] header=[header,"OBJTYPE = "+objtype+"/"] header=[header,"SIGMAE = "+string(float(sigmae))+" / Scatter of object ellipticities"] endif else begin header=[header,"OBJTYPE = 'Full shapelet sim' /"] endelse if keyword_set(gamma_input) then begin header=[header,"GAMMAIN1= "+string(float(gamma_input[0]))+" / Input gravitational lensing shear"] header=[header,"GAMMAIN2= "+string(float(gamma_input[1]))+" /"] endif else begin header=[header,"GAMMAIN1= 0. / Input gravitational lensing shear"] header=[header,"GAMMAIN2= 0. /"] endelse if keyword_set(inst_shear) then begin header=[header,"INSTSH1 = "+string(float(inst_shear[0]))+" / Instrumental distortions"] header=[header,"INSTSH2 = "+string(float(inst_shear[1]))+" /"] endif else begin header=[header,"INSTSH1 = 0. / Instrumental distortions"] header=[header,"INSTSH2 = 0. /"] endelse header=[header,"END "] header=[header," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ",$ " "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "] ; Write image to file writefits, shapelets_paths(3)+file+'.fits', image, header ; ; ADD NOISE TO IMAGE (Writes a second, separate file) ; if keyword_set(noise) then $ sim_addnoise,shapelets_paths(3)+file,image=image,header=header,time=noise,seed=seed end

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Last modified on 02nd May 2008 by Richard Massey.

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