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Source code for simage_generate_shapecat.pro:

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pro simage_generate_shapecat, shapecat, seed=seed, output_file=output_file, width=width, $ n_pix=n_pix, n_max=n_max, n_obj=n_obj, plot=plot ;$Id: simage_generate_shapecat.pro, v1.0$ ; ; Copyright © 2004 Richard Massey and Alexandre Refregier. ; ; This file is a part of the Shapelets analysis code. ; www.ast.cam.ac.uk/~rjm/shapelets/ ; ; The Shapelets code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published ; by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version. ; ; The Shapelets code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; along with the Shapelets code; if not, write to the Free Software ; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ; ;+ ; NAME: ; SIMAGE_GENERATE_SHAPECAT ; ; CATEGORY: ; Shapelets image simulation. ; ; PURPOSE: ; Uses simage_resample_pdf.pro many times to generate a new random ; catalogue of objects that could be used to populate a simulated image. ; ; INPUTS: ; shapecat - Shapelet catalogue of real data in a similar regime to the ; required simulation (eg HDF galaxies, read in using ; shapelets_read_shapecat_hdf.pro). ; It is recommended, although not necessary, that this contain ; polar rather than Cartesian shapelet coefficients. Objects ; just morph better in polar shapelets. ; ; OPTIONAL INPUTS: ; output_file - Filename for output. ; width - This is slow to calculate, so allow it to be entered by ; hand, or calculated on a previous run to avoid the ; duplication of effort. ; seed - Seed for random number generator. ; n_pix - Integer (x,y). Number of pixels planned for final ; simulated image. This routine does not create the image ; (for that, see simage_assemble_image.pro), but the random ; positions of simulated galaxies can be specified in either ; routine. If they are specified here, and stored in the ; catalogue, it will be easier to duplicate simulated image ; or created dithered simulateed image later. ; Default: . ; n_max - Objects created up to this truncation in shapelet space. ; Default: . ; n_obj - Number of objects in output catalogue. This does not ; determine the number density of objects in the simulated ; image. That is done in simage_assemble_image.pro. ; Default: . ; ; KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ; /PLOT - Plot each newly generated object to screen, for debugging. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; A simulated shapelet catalogue is written to disc. ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Mar 04 - Tidied up by RM. ; Mar 03 - Cosmetic changes and modularisation of subroutines by RM. ; Jan 02 - new_hdf.pro written by Richard Massey. ;- ; ; Set up defaults ; pixel_scale=0.04 if not keyword_set(shapecat) then shapelets_read_shapecat_hdf,shapecat,/polar,/moments; Read in source catalogue of morphology distributions if (min(shapecat.rsquared) eq 0) then message,'Use shapelets_read_shapecat with /MOMENTS flag!' if not keyword_set(seed) then seed = 1000L ; Random number seed if not keyword_set(output_file) then $ ; Output file name for new catalogue output_file="new"+STRMID(SYSTIME(0), 14, 2)+STRMID(SYSTIME(0), 17, 2) if not keyword_set(n_pix) then n_pix = 4096 ; Number of pixels in final image is n_pix x n_pix if not keyword_set(n_obj) then n_obj = 10000 ; number of new objects to synthesise... if not keyword_set(n_max) then n_max=shapecat.maxn_max ; ...to this order shapelet (this is the maximum ; n_max of all the objects in the catalogue) ; recommended to use this so eg nuclei of objects ; aren`t simply enlarged by size-mag plane fitting. shapelets_make_nvec,n_max,n1,n2,n_coeffs ; message,strtrim(n_obj,2)+' galaxies being created in '+shapelets_paths(2)+output_file+'.shape',/info if n_elements(seed) eq 1 then $ ; message,'Random seed='+strtrim(seed[0],2),/info ; Friendly messages with setup if not keyword_set(width) then begin ; Calculate smoothing width before opening output files message,'Calculating width for kernel smoothing in morphology PDF',/info simage_resample_pdf, shapecat, junk_obj, n_max=n_max, seed=seed, width=width, /silent endif ; ; ; Open output file and write out header information (need to change the 999 if n_max>43): ; openw, lun,shapelets_paths(2,/SILENT)+output_file+'.shape',/get_lun printf,lun,'# Brand new synthesised shapelet galaxies' printf,lun,'# num objs out of n_coeffs n_coeffs seeing n_pixels(x) n_pixels(y) pixel scale' printf,lun,format='("#",I11,3(I13),F13.6,2(I13),F13.6)',$ n_obj,n_obj,n_max,n_coeffs,shapecat.seeing,n_pix,n_pix,pixel_scale printf,lun,'#' printf,lun,'# x0 y0 beta SEx fwhm SEx mag n_max'+$ ' Flag SEx ID Chi squared SEx class SEx A SEx B'+$ ' SEx theta SEx e1 SEx e2 SEx flux SEx x SEx y'+$ ' SEx area Object:x_min x_max y_min y_max' printf,lun,format='($,"# n1",I8," ",(999(I12, :, " ")))',n1 & printf,lun printf,lun,format='($,"# n2",I8," ",(999(I12, :, " ")))',n2 & printf,lun ; ; Main loop to generate new objects ; for i=1L,n_obj do begin ; Progress report if (i) mod 50 eq 0 then print,string(i)+'/'+strtrim(n_obj,1) ; Create an object new_object={n_max:0} while new_object.n_max eq 0 do begin bs_obj=0 simage_resample_pdf, shapecat, new_object, n_max=n_max, seed=seed, width=width, /SILENT, bs_obj=bs_obj ,plot=plot endwhile ; Extract results from structure coeffs = new_object.coeffs error = new_object.error if n_elements(coeffs) gt 1 then begin coeffs=[coeffs[0],coeffs[1:*]/coeffs[0]] if error[0] ne 0. then error=[error[0],error[1:*]/error[0]] endif while ( n_elements(coeffs) lt n_coeffs ) do begin coeffs=[coeffs,0.] error =[error ,0.] endwhile ; Place object randomly around the sky ; (or just outside the image, to enable dithering and avoid edge effects) x = [randomu(seed),randomu(seed)]*(n_pix*3./2.)-[n_pix/2.+20,20] ; Write out results to file otherdata = [x,new_object.beta,new_object.moments.rsquared,new_object.moments.mag,new_object.n_max,10*shapecat.flag[bs_obj,0]+shapecat.flag[bs_obj,1],shapecat.sexid[bs_obj],new_object.chisq,$ 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0,0,0,0,0] printf,lun,format='($,(5(F12.5, :, " ")),(3(I12, :, " ")),(10(F12.5, :, " ")),(5(I12, :, " ")))',otherdata & printf,lun printf,lun,format='($,(999(E12.5, :, " ")))',coeffs & printf,lun printf,lun,format='($,(999(E12.5, :, " ")))',error & printf,lun endfor ; Tidy up and go home printf,lun,'# End' close,lun free_lun,lun end

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Last modified on 02nd May 2008 by Richard Massey.

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