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Source code for simage_make_analytic_object.pro:

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function simage_make_analytic_object, morphology, rsq, flux, position, $ SIGMAE=sigmae, $ SEED=seed, $ GAMMA_INPUT=gamma_input, $ PSFIMAGE=psfimage, $ INST_SHEAR=inst_shear, $ SHAPEINFO=shapeinfo ;$Id: simage_make_analytic_object.pro, v1.0$ ; ; Copyright © 2004 Richard Massey and Alexandre Refregier. ; ; This file is a part of the Shapelets analysis code. ; www.ast.cam.ac.uk/~rjm/shapelets/ ; ; The Shapelets code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published ; by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version. ; ; The Shapelets code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; along with the Shapelets code; if not, write to the Free Software ; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ; ;+ ; NAME: ; SIMAGE_MAKE_ANALYTIC_OBJECT ; ; CATEGORY: ; Shapelet simulated images. ; ; PURPOSE: ; This module manufactures one object for the image simulations, using a ; radially symmetric, analytic profile (such as de Vaucouleurs or exponential ; disc) for its morphology. The size, magnitude and ellipticity are drawn from ; a real galaxy template - or randomised from a Gaussian distribution of ; ellipticities with width sigmae. The object is pixellated using various input ; parameters. ; ; LIMITATION: ; Unable to add astrometric distortions to these analytic profiles. ; ; INPUTS: ; decomp - Cartesian shapelet decomp structure of a template real ; galaxy. ; morphology - Which parameterised galaxy profile? ; 1: de Vaucouleurs e^(-r^(1/4)) ; 2: Exponential disc e^(-r) ; 3: Gaussian e^(-r^2/2) ; 4: Moffat ; ; OPTIONAL INPUTS: ; sigmae - rms galaxy ellipticity (before shear) with parameterised ; galaxy shapes. ; gamma - Weak lensing shear on all galaxies [gamma1,gamma2]. ; psf - Cartesian decomp structure representing PSF. Will then do ; convolvution automatically. Stars are just this PSF. ; seed - Seed for random number generator. ; ; OUTPUTS: ; recomp - One object (with an analytic profile) in a postage stamp image. ; shapeinfo - A structure containing object properties for inclusion in the ; pre-noise catalogue. ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Jun 03 - Written by Richard Massey ;- if keyword_set(inst_shear) then message,'Cannot add instrumental distortions to analytic profiles' if morphology eq 1 or morphology eq 4 then message,'Moffat and de Vaucouleurs profiles not yet implemnented' ; ; Determine object properties in terms of size and ellipticity ; if keyword_set(sigmae) then begin ; Set ellipticity from a Gaussian PDF ell=complex(randomn(seed),randomn(seed))*sigmae/sqrt(2.) flux=flux>1e-20 ; Catching errors from bad decompositions endif else begin ; Or get this also from original (real) galaxy distribution q=shapelets_quadrupole(decomp,flux=flux) ; flux=flux>1e-20 ; Catching errors from bad decompositions rsq=(Q[0,0]+Q[1,1])/flux ; ell=complex(Q[0,0]-Q[1,1],2*Q[0,1])/(Q[0,0]+Q[1,1]) ell=ell*exp(complex(0,1)*randomu(seed)*2*!pi) ; Randomise PA endelse ; ; ; Shear object at catalogue level. ; if keyword_set(gamma_input) then begin ; ; Shapelets II: eqn. 25 wrongly says pgamma=2.+abs(ell) ;e1=float(ell) +2*gamma_input[0]+ 2*float(ell)*(float(ell)*gamma_input[0]+imaginary(ell)*gamma_input[1]) ;e2=imaginary(ell)+2*gamma_input[1]+2*imaginary(ell)*(float(ell)*gamma_input[0]+imaginary(ell)*gamma_input[1]) ;ell=complex(e1,e2) ; ; but Shapelets IV: disagrees e1 =float(ell) +2*gamma_input[0]-2*float(ell)* (float(ell)*gamma_input[0]+imaginary(ell)*gamma_input[1]) e2 =imaginary(ell)+2*gamma_input[1]-2*imaginary(ell)*(float(ell)*gamma_input[0]+imaginary(ell)*gamma_input[1]) ell=complex(e1,e2) rsq=rsq*(1+2*(float(ell)*gamma_input[0]+imaginary(ell)*gamma_input[1])) endif ; ; Determine object's new properties in terms of its major and minor axes. ; PA=atan(imaginary(ell),float(ell))/2. A=sqrt(rsq*(1+abs(ell))/2.) ; R^2 = A^2 + B^2 B=sqrt(abs(rsq*(1-abs(ell))/2.)) ; e = (A^2 - B^2) / (A^2 + B^2) if ( (not finite(A)) or (not finite(B)) or (not finite(PA)) ) then return,-1 PA=PA-!pi/2. ; ; Create a blank postage stamp image and co-ordinate grid. ; case morphology of ; Size postage stamp to include wings. 1: n_pix=30*A>10 ; de Vaucouleurs profile e^(-r^(1/4)) has rsq_f=10461394944000*!pi/F=259459200 2: n_pix=20*A>10 ; Exponential disc profile e^(-r) has rsq_f=12.*!pi/F=6 3: n_pix=10*A>10 ; Gaussian profile e^(-r^2/2) has rsq_f=4.*!pi/F endcase n_pix=replicate(2*fix(n_pix)+1,2) ; Make sure postage stamp has odd dimensions. position=position+fix(n_pix/2.) ; Include sub-pixel offset. mk_xarr,n_pix,x1,x2,x0=position ; Create (x,y) co-ordinate array of postage stamp pixels. recomp=fltarr(n_pix[0],n_pix[1]) ; Create a blank new postage stamp image. ; ; Distort the co-ordinate grid so that the created object has the desired ; axis ratio etc (see Shapelets: IV) ; matrixR = [[cos(PA),sin(PA)],[-1*sin(PA),cos(PA)]] matrixJ = transpose(matrixR)##[[A^2,0],[0,B^2]]##matrixR / rsq matrixJi= invert(matrixJ) detJ = determ(matrixJ) rr=x1 for ii=0,n_pix[0]-1 do begin for jj=0,n_pix[1]-1 do begin x=[x1[ii,jj],x2[ii,jj]] rr[ii,jj]=transpose(x)#matrixJ#x /rsq endfor endfor ; ; Find maximum r within our postage stamp (using only this limited ; dynamical range and truncating *elliptical* isophotes at this value will ; prevent edge effects due to the *square* postage stamp). ; rmax=min([transpose(rr[0,*]),transpose(rr[n_pix[0]-1,*]),rr[*,0],rr[*,n_pix[1]-1]]) case morphology of 1: rmax=rmax<400 ; de Vaucouleurs profile e^(-r^(1/4)) has HUGE wings 2: rmax=rmax<100 ; Exponential disc profile e^(-r) has large wings else: rmax=rmax<25 ; Gaussian profile e^(-r^2/2) has small wings endcase good=where((rr-rmax)<0) if good[0] eq -1 then return,-1 ; Error catching (tiny object) ; ; Draw galaxy with analytic profile. ; case morphology of ; Draw galaxy with de Vaucouleurs e^r^(1/4) profile 1: recomp[good]=flux/sqrt(detJ)*6435/!pi*exp(-11.26571173*(rr[good])^(0.125)) /rsq ; Draw galaxy with exponential disc (3/pi)*e^(-sqrt6*r) profile 2: recomp[good]=flux/sqrt(detJ)*3/!pi*exp(-1.*sqrt(6*rr[good])) /rsq ; Draw elliptical Gaussian blob (1/pi)*e^(-r^2) has F=r_f^2=1 else: recomp[good]=flux/sqrt(detJ)/!pi*exp(-1.*rr[good])/!pi /rsq endcase ; ; Renormalise to correct flux ; recomp=recomp/4 ; Not entirely sure why, but it works! recomp=recomp/total(recomp)*flux ; NB: ought not perform the previous line because the integration then depends ; on pixel size. However, without a proper (analytic) integration within ; pixels, it is going to anyway. Just using central pixel values is like ; Simpson`s rule (only no gradients!). ; PS: COULD DIVIDE BY BETA^2 (which is the pixel area)! ; ; Smear object to simulate seeing. ; (Add zero padding, smooth, then remove padding: slow but effective!) ; if keyword_set(psfimage) then begin ; Could speed up by shrinking postage stamp as much as poss first! smoothborder=((size(psfimage))[1:2]+1)/2 recomps=fltarr(n_pix[0]+2*smoothborder[0],n_pix[1]+2*smoothborder[1]) recomps[smoothborder[0]:n_pix[0]+smoothborder[0]-1,smoothborder[1]:n_pix[1]+smoothborder[1]-1]=recomp recomp=convol(recomps,psfimage,/edge_truncate) ; Reduce size of new postage stamp back to original ;recomp=recomp[smoothborder[0]:decomp.n_pixels[0]+smoothborder[0]-1,smoothborder[1]:decomp.n_pixels[1]+smoothborder[1]-1] ; Or just offset its centre position=position+smoothborder endif ; ; Record shape information for posterity ; shapeinfo={A:A,B:B,theta:(PA*180/!pi+90),rsq:rsq,flux:flux,mag:-2.5*alog10(flux)+22.08} ; That's all folks! return,recomp end

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Last modified on 02nd May 2008 by Richard Massey.

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